Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Getting Settled

I apologize for the delay.. I've been meaning to find a way to get my pictures up (left that little thing at home) and wanted to wait so I could post some pictures, but you'll just have to keep checking back! Crazy, it has almost been two weeks! Things are going pretty well.. I cooked my first successful meal EVER tonight (obviously had mom on the phone the whole time..), but I made my self a delicious salmon, and could not be more excited. Don't forget I'm straight out of the sorority house, so this is new to me..:) I've been meeting people here and there that go to my school through orientation and classes too, so that has been nice. For the international students' first big welcome we had a 'cheese and wine' party, not to be confused with wine and cheese. They claim we say it in the wrong order. Anywayyy. free wine and cheese while meeting people, so it was fun!

Classes started this week and although  I was very sick on Monday ( I'm allergic to gluten AND the water here apparently..very exciting) I jumped right into things on Tuesday. Now you must understand classes work a little differently here. In the US there are 2-3 lectures plus a discussion each week for a class. Here..there is one lecture and sometimes a 'tutorial'. Therefore, I have class Monday-Wednesday and am already enjoying my four day weekend, so that is pretty great to say the least. I'm taking a class called 'Performing Arts in London' in which we are going to see about 10 different shows..mostly plays but one ballet and an opera as well so that will be amazing. I am also take 'Historic London'...might as well take the cultural classes while I'm here right? which we don't even have class but instead go on field trips once a week. I'm very excited to start learning about this massive city, I haven't had very much chance to explore yet!

Last week I saw Avenue Q which was absolutely hilarious, didn't expect it to be so funny, but I laughed the entire time. If you haven't heard of it, it more or less makes fun of Sesame Street the entire show. So I really enjoyed that. I think the next show on my list has to be either Jersey Boys or Dirty Dancing..or Billy Elliot..and obviously Wicked for a third time. Hey, for the student price of 20 pounds a show you can see like 7 for the price of one Broadway show! 

On the day of the inauguration the wax museum let Americans in free which was very cool and extremely impressive. People LOVE Barak here, it's great. It is extremely easy to keep myself updated on American news/celebrities..they loveee it here. Anyway, last weekend I went with Michael to the Portobello Market in Notting Hill which was really neat. Lots of antiques, clothes and jewelry, and we both picked up some delicious fresh fruit. I think I decided I want to move to Notting Hill when I retire.. it really is the nicest cutest little area. This weekend we are going to the famous Bourough Market, which I think is primarily food so that should be good. We are also going to Bath which is supposed to be beautiful so hopefully I will have pictures up by then! Check back in soon!

Cheers :)


  1. Hey Neili! Sounds exciting! Glad you're having a great time. :-)

  2. neili

    sounds so great!! I love readin about your adventures. Just keep healthy. I love you
    aunt michelle
