St. Bride's Church, a baker was inspired by this church to make his wedding cakes tiered, which is why wedding cakes are as they are today!

Temple Hall-in the 1600s it was a popular spot for performances, and Shakespeare's 1st recorded performance of "Twelfth Night" was performed here.. It is unchanged since it was built in 1573.
It's been awhile but things are going great!
As you can see from a couple pictures above..I've done a little more exploring around London with my class and some visitors, so that's been really is unbelievable how many things there are to do and see in this city! Saw Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew" with my performing arts class.. Fun fact: 10 Things I hate about you (with Heath Ledger and Julia Stiles) is based off of this play..crazy I know.. and honestly I would have rather watched the movie then the play. Shakespeare's english in thick british accents is not easy to follow...and I honestly couldn't tell you what happened in the play..because I could hardly understand what they were saying (i guess it's worth mentioning that I was always the one in highschool with the "Shakespeare for Dummies" books.. just not my thing) oh well. So.. that was interesting..
This past Saturday I ventured to the infamous Oxford.
on the list of Oxford Alumni:
2 British Kings
12 Monarchs of ten other states
25 British Prime Ministers
35 presidents and prime ministers of 19 other countries
34 dukes
25 princes and princesses
188 barons and baronesses
291 members of Parliament
12 Lord Chancellors
9 Lord Chief Justices
10 US Senators
10 US Representatives
4 Associate Justices of the US Supreme Court
the list goes on...
First of all. Really?! this place is insane.. wow. If you've seen Harry Potter...imagine the Hogwarts setting minus the wizards (although they actually might have wizards at Oxford I really wouldn't be surprised.) It was absolutely beautiful. And I can't even imagineee what it will look like once all the flowers bloom! Even to study abroad there the minumum GPA you could apply with was a 3.7...just a little intimidating. It is truly historical. Most of the college buildings date back to the 1400s. I don't know that the pictures do it justice but here are a few! Definitely worth is really an amazing place.
Oh you know.. just a reading room...
Needless to say, it was a beautifullll place.
And.. last but not least, to continue the Harry Potter themed post.. if you've seen the movies you would know that in order to get to Hogwarts you must go to the train station (taped at King's Cross.. one of the main stations) and go through the wall. So this is a plaque they put up there so people can take pictures, gotta love it.
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