What an incredible weekend. Being someone who has never really seen mountains before.. I didn't really know what to expect. It was dark when we got in so really the snow-topped mountains look like a bunch of clouds. The second I stepped outside the next morning to find mountains surrounding me, I was in awe and could literally not stop smiling. Interlaken (Switzerland..) is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and is the cutest, quaintest...not to mention absolutely beautifulll little tourist town. Despite the small fact that every single thing is extremelllly expensive... I must say this is a trip I will never regret and for sure never forget.
Unfortunately, I have never been skiing before, but I am very interested in learning. So I looked into taking lessons...which ended up being outrageous and out of the question. Luckily, we met up with a couple of my friends who are studying in Prague, and I went around with a couple of them who didn't ski as well to little towns in the Alps.
We took the train up a mountain and went to two different little towns. The two pictures above are from a little town called Wengen. I believe it's around 4,000 feet up the mountain...and is truly the definition of a winter wonderland. Being lugged around by sled instead of stroller? What a life. There were people skiing down the streets to the local grocery store.. it was like nothing I've ever seen before.
A view from the train on the ride back down from Wengen.
I was a little upset I couldn't go skiing, but the great thing about Interlaken is there are a bunch of alternatives. Two of my friends were going paragliding the next day which, having been parasailing in Mexico, is something I thought I could consider/do. In spite of my awful decision making skills I decided to go for it...and I am soooooo glad I did! I was strapped into a little backpack with a man behind me (who knew what he was doing) and literally ran off a mountain to find myself flying amongst the Swiss Alps. It was soooo beautiful and an amazing experience.
The mountain we ran off of..
My feet! Gliding over Interlaken
Someone else gliding below me
The view
Survivors picture...me with my friend Michael back on the ground!

We had heard that the thing to do in Interlaken is "nightsledding" so of course we signed up. Of course when you think of sledding you think...down a steep hill.. climb back to the top a bunch of times.. call it a day. Not quite how they do it here. We took a train up the mountain to one town...where we sledded down a super intense path to another town. And when I say sled.. I mean you are zooming down a path where there are turns and huge bumps where you just fly with the sled (or wipe out 10 feet in front of the sled in my case...) and if you dont stop yourself you can end up going like 20 mph. It was insaneeee...it can take 30 minutes to get down if you go slow and 10 if you go fast. I ended up extremely bruised and wiped out several times...but it was SO fun and really gave a new meaning to sledding...and a new appreciation for those people in the olympics who do those fast sled..like..things...
Dad, how would you like this for your next bike?? These people were zooming past us on these bike sleds..so crazy!
Aside from these adventurous activities.. I'd say I spent a good amount of my other time (and money) in chocolate shops...aka. my heaven. Swiss chocolate is just too good and these shops are everywhere.
Amazing trip.. I would loveee to go back one day in the summer.
Last but not least..I have to add that right before Switzerland I saw Wicked for the 3rd time. Got there 45 minutes before the show..4th row seats..25 pounds. Loveeee the student discounts. It was so great..even with a english-accented Glinda.
Mom and Terri come in TWO days!!!!!!!!!!! and then Jessica comes!!!
now that you have fallen in love with mountains will you move to CO after you graduate!!!!!!!!!! i missssss you so glad to get the updates MUAH! say hi to your mama for me!